the spirit is willing
but the mind lags,
weighed down by crippling fear
disguised as deep thought,
the way forward is through
unbending determination;
dragging yourself
inch by treacherous inch
through the swamps
of the mind
until you understand:
you are your own strength,
you can match your spirit
what is there to lose,
in chasing after a dream
Month: January 2025
what is this wanting;
my pleasures are simple:
a good book,
a mug of steaming tea,
a blank page and a good pen,
a quiet walk in the sun,
an ocean to soothe my soul,
I have all these -
and so much more -
at my fingertips,
so what is this unrest;
it is as though
I want something more
from the world,
it has nothing more to give;
what is it I want from myself,
what hollow desire
keeps me searching
A Hint of Spring
what a relief
is the winter sun,
cutting through
the bitter cold air,
to provide a faint glimmer
of a distant warmth -
a hug of hope,
a reminder
of a Springtime to come -
it nourishes the soul;
too often we fear
the bite of winter winds,
keeping ourselves locked inside
we miss out on
the most joyous part of winter:
these simple reminders of Spring,
so precious,
they keep us going