Great Art

we are all incomplete,
unfinished masterpieces,
no matter our years;

there is no perfection here,
instead, the thread of an idea
of what might be
has evolved into this work -
this life -
through the years,
it only reaches its conclusion
in death

where many flaws are forgotten
as we are raised upon a pedestal
we'd never thought to climb,
only to be forgotten
in a short passage of time;

so it goes
with great art


words will never capture
all that you are,
all you have been
and will continue to be,
still the pen scratches its way
across the page
in hopes
the fleeting muse
will infuse it with magic,
filling these words
with the deeper meaning
we've never found the way
to convey;

you'd tell us not to worry,
that you know;
it isn't enough
that you know,
there should be
a much grander display
to celebrate you -
every day -
to tell you
how much we love you
for all you have given,
for helping to mold us,
for loving us -
imperfections and all -

these words will never do
still here they are -
much too simple -
thank you